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Robert Farrow CPAGB BPE1*


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In November 2018 I gained my Credit from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. (CPAGB) 
To get this award you have had to be a member of an affiliated camera club for 2 years and submitted images in various competitions. The standard the judges are asked to apply is that of "Good Standard Club Photography" You have to submit 10 images, prints or dpi's, a panel of 6 judges mark them between 2 and 5. Each image can score a maximum of 30 points and therefore 300 for the 10 images. 2 points are awarded if the images not upto the standard, 3 if its almost there, 4 if it reaches the standard and 5 if it is better than the standard. You have to score 200 or more to gain the award. I managed to score 212 points. 
I was very pleased and very surprised to get the award after seeing, what seemed to me,  quality images  getting quite low marks. 
Go to CPAGB Images page to see my entries and scores.
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